soursop tea | graviola tea

Soursop tea questions and answers

What is soursop tea?

Soursop tea is herbal, caffeine-free tea made from the dried leaves of the graviola tree. Learn how to make soursop tea below.
Soursop tea

Is soursop tea the same as graviola tea and guanabana tea?

Soursop, graviola and guanabana are three words that mean the same thing. (See our soursop synonyms article.) The scientific name for the plant is Annona muricata. So soursop tea, graviola tea and guanabana tea is the same thing. It is dried leaves from the Annona muricata steeped in hot water for consumption for health and enjoyment.
soursop guanabana graviola

Where can I buy whole graviola leaves to make soursop tea?

You can buy whole graviola leaves to make tea online. We will soon offer packages of wild-grown, hand-picked, sun-dried soursop leaves harvested from the Caribbean. For now, you can get them

How much soursop tea should I drink on a daily basis for healing purposes?

There is no textbook answer to the questions of how much? or how often?. Because this is a frequently asked question, here's a longer answer. Soursop consumption is not a medically recognized treatment for an medical condition. Doctors do not learn about it in medical school. The FDA does not regulate it as a pharmaceutical in the US. So there is no AMA sanctioned dosage or frequency. That said, this information is provided to help you make your own decision about how much to drink. Here's a recommendation: Start with one cup per day. If it feels good, has no adverse reaction stick with it. If you eant to increase your consumption for additional healing benefits, add a second cup later in the day. Try this for seven days, and see how you feel. If you want to be more aggressive to address a health condition, start with three cups a day at breakfast lunch and dinner. Monitor how you feel and cut back if you suffer any weird or unwanted side effects or have any concerns. When it comes to treating any condition with herbal remedies, you might want to consult a naturopathic doctor.
natural medicine

Can soursop tea be used to fight cancer?

There is anecdotal evidence that soursop can be used to fight cancer. Some claim they have cured their cancer by eating the fruit and drinking soursop tea. Medical science is less certain that it is verifiably curative. However scientists have discovered are phytochemicals found in soursop that have been shown to destroy cancerous cells, even cells that have been resistant to other anticancer therapies. Drinking several strong cups of the tea each may be a good supplementary cancer fighting technique. As always, consult your doctor of oncologist before adjusting your medical treatment.
Cancer patient

How do I make soursop tea with whole graviola leaves?

To brew soursop tea with whole dried soursop leaves, start with two to three graviola leaves to produce one to two cups of tea. Place the leaves in a cup or small teapot. Boil two cups (500 ml) of fresh water. (Use filtered water for better taste.) Add water to leaves and let steep for 10 minutes. Remove the leaves before drinking. This brew time allows you to extract flavor from the leaves for a delicious and fortifing cup of soursop tea.
graviola leaves als known as soursop leaves

How do I brew graviola tea to treat an illness for more of an impact on m health?

If you are drinking the tea to address a health issue and want maximum impact from the healing power of the graviola leaves, then here are some brewing guidelines:
  • TECHNIQUE #1 - Add one to three leaves, depending on their size to for 1 to 2 cups (250 to 500 ml) of filtered water in a stove top pan. You can crush the leaves and place in a tea infuser if you prefer. Cover and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • TECHNIQUE #2 - Add whole graviola leaves to a stove top pot with one quart (1 L) of cold water. Bring the water to a boil and and let boil uncovered until the water has been reduced by half.
Brewing notes:
  • Extra steeping time extracts more of the benefits of the graviola leaf.
  • Drink the tea at room temperature or you can reheat it.
soursop tea infuser
Posted in cancer, health, Recipes.