How to change your mindset to help boost healing

Healing your body and ridding it of a disease, or any life-threatening condition needs to include a healthy mindset. It is critical in a strategy to get well.

If you are battling cancer or are working with a family member or friend to help them fight then you should:

  1. See your doctor or primary care practitioner and access the best expertise to fight your disease with knowledge, science and the latest medicine.
  2. You should change your diet and eat well, consuming only healing, natural foods that support your health and well being.
  3. And then you should get to work on your mindset.

Failure to do #3 is a missed opportunity to use massive and highly effective tool that can be used to fight your disease and heal your body, and cause real measurable healing.

You see, behind everything you do, and everything you are is your beliefs. Your mindset is critical in the healing process. And optimizing it to heal and get well again requires some very specific steps.

So here is how to change your mindset to cure yourself.

How to change your mindset to cure yourself

The New York Times bestselling book Radical Remission: Surviving Cancer Against All Odds, lists nine key factors cancer fighters should take to cure themselves, aside from the traditional methods of Western medicine or after its failed them.

Dr. Kelly Turner, who wrote the book, studied the cases of 1,500 cancer survivors in 10 countries. She discovered that they:

  1. Radically changed their diet.
  2. Took control of their health.
  3. Followed their intuition above all else.
  4. Used herbs and supplements under a doctor’s supervision.
  5. Worked on releasing negative emotions.
  6. Worked on being positive.
  7. Embraced social support.
  8. Deepened their spiritual connection.
  9. Found a strong reason for staying alive.

Only two items on the above list – changing your diet and taking natural supplements – are physical. The rest of the items have to do with emotional support and shifting your mindset.

Why mindset is critical to healing

Thought and action are intimately connected. This is a scientific principle. Have a thought like “I’m hungry” and you will go eat something.

So when you’re sick and your thoughts are positive, and you’re genuinely excited about your future, you will take more positive actions to heal your body. More positive actions will predictably lead to positive health results.

The challenge around changing your mindset is how to do it. It’s less obvious than following a guideline like “embrace social support” or “eat natural unprocessed foods”. Shifting your mindset can be a bit more complex. Here are the most effective ways to release negative emotions and encourage positives feelings.

How to release negative emotions

Have you ever experienced a knot – a painful build-up of lactic acid – in a muscle after physical fitness? Press on that knot, apply heat or cold to it and the tension releases. You feel better. That’s similar to the way negative emotions are stored in the body.

Negative emotions, such as resentment, sadness, anger, jealousy, get held in your nervous system like a knot in the body. This often happens when you don’t process the emotion properly at the time the event occurs. So the emotion gets suppressed and held versus released.

Imagine you’re playing a sport with a team of your peers. You jump, land and injure your ankle. You want to cry it’s so painful but you’re also embarrassed. So you hold back your tears. You laugh instead. This is how emotion is sidestepped and stored versus being naturally felt, processed and moved out of the body.

The first step in releasing any negative emotion is to notice it. The easiest way to figure out what emotions and situations are putting stress on your body is to ask yourself these questions:

  • What haven’t I been able to get over from my past?
  • What is my emotional home and why do I keep going back to it? (Once again it’s likely linked to a painful event in the past)
  • Who haven’t I been able to forgive?

There are many ways to release negative emotions. At the root of all these methods is connecting your body to your mind, bringing yourself to those negative emotions and past events and feel what you felt. The way to emotional freedom is through emotion not around it.

Here are the most effective ways to release negative emotions:


Your brain doesn’t know the difference between imagining doing something and actually doing it. The simplest way to release negative emotions is to close your eyes and bring yourself back to past events you haven’t been able to get over. Experience those events as vividly as possible. Feel what you felt.

Then, consider all sides of the event, and from the perspective of other people. Bring loving emotions into the event. Distort the picture in your mind by making it black and white or bringing white light into it.

Do whatever you need to do to see the event in a positive light and with empathy. Visualize all the good things that have come out of that past event even if it was painful.

You may need to do this multiple times. Try to alter the picture in different ways until you find what works for you.


Many types of meditation are helpful at healing and relaxing the nervous system. Meditation is specifically powerful for practicing forgiveness.

When meditators being monitored by brainwave machines focused on people they needed to forgive their alpha waves were at their peak.

To release negative feelings towards others and situations, focus on an image of the person or situation and work on bringing in empathy and forgiveness.

It might help you to see the person you’re trying to forgive as a baby. See them growing up and being harmed by the world or other people. See that they may have done something to hurt you but that it was not intentional. It was a result of their conditioning.

Carve out a daily meditation time, 20 minutes a least to work on breathing and quieting your mind and working through your negative emotions.


Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) is a mind and body therapy that corrects energy flow to the body, which gets disrupted by negative thoughts and emotions.

Using EFT, negative emotions can be processed and released when you do a simple two-step process of 1) mentally tuning into a negative event or feeling and 2) tapping specific meridian points on the body with your fingertips to correct the energy flow.

While it may seem odd, the process is highly scientific. Chinese medicine discovered the meridian system 5,000 years ago. The meridian system is your body’s invisible energy flow.

When you connect to a negative thought and disrupt your body’s energy flow, you can easily correct it by physically touching meridian points on your body to loosen the energy. Think of it like releasing lactic acid and knots when you get a massage.

Story Writing

A simple way to release negative emotions that are connected to past events is to write a story about them. Write out the situation as if you were there. Use emotional language. Get all your negativity out on paper.

Then, read the story out loud. Read it to yourself in a mirror or to someone you trust. Read the story over and over. Eventually, you’ll find that the story becomes just that. A story. It loses its emotional sting. You easily get over the situation and can move forward.

Brainspot Therapy

This is very effective for correcting athletic blocks. For this type of therapy, you’ll need to seek out a brain spot practitioner. They will sit across from you and ask you to talk about a negative event or person. While you do this, they will look at your eyes. They will be able to see your eyes fixate on a specific area. They will have you hold your stare in that area while you continue to talk.

Where your eyes go is directly connected to the area in your brain where the memory tied to that emotion is. When you talk through the situation, you process and release the emotional knot around the stored memory.

How to thinking positively and feel positive emotions

If you want to work on changing your mindset to heal your body, it’s not just about releasing negative emotions, it’s also about growing more positive thought connections. Here are the most effective ways to do that.

Control your focus

What you focus on causes what you feel at any given moment. If you close your eyes and focus on a favorite pastime, food or person, you’ll feel good. If you focus on something you hate, you’ll feel bad.

In both scenarios, you’re either stimulating happy chemical pathways or negative emotional pathways in your brain. So to build a more positive mindset, focus on positive things more.

As soon as you notice you feel bad or you can see you’re focusing on negative things, take control. Close your eyes and focus on as many good things as you can. Get into it. Do this whenever you need to.

You’ll start to train your brain to go to positive thoughts more naturally and easily.

Engage in frivolous fun

When is the last time you had fun for the sake of having fun? Go have fun. Frivolous fun is fun without a purpose. Pastimes and hobbies such as: Gardening, painting, playing sports, laying on a beach, pottery, writing, going on a roller coaster, playing video games, are critical and especially when you are sick.

When you have more fun your brain increases the flow of happy chemicals. Fun will become a routine and feeling good will become your emotional home.

Physically activate your happy chemicals

Frequently engage in physical activities that get your happy brain chemicals flowing. Here are some simple ways to do that:

  1. Gentle aerobic activity such as biking, swimming, dancing, jogging
  2. Yoga
  3. Touch another human. Give some hugs to someone you love or cuddle to release oxytocin in your brain
  4. Hot or cold therapy. Do cryotherapy or go to a sauna. Even just sitting in the sun can be great for altering your mood.

Shift your language

What you say out loud and internally is critical. You can think more positively by choosing new words. For instance, if you say “I’m pissed off”, the emotions tied to the words will cause your anger to increase. Simply expressing yourself with a new choice of words can dampen the emotions around it. Instead, you could try: “I’m not pleased about this”.

Start to monitor your language and make slight changes. This will help you by thinking more positively.

Mindset as a key healing strategy

These methods above have one factor in common: They address the root of the illness equation. When you focus on changing your mindset as part of the healing process, you’ll be amazed at the mental and physical results you’ll produce.

With a healing mindset, you will have some direct outcomes. The following are adapted from an article at

You will:

  • have more willpower to follow a prescribed diet
  • experience less anxiety about the process of healing
  • experience more confidence in the healing plan you develop with your medical and health advisors
  • have fewer cravings for food or things you do that hurt or stall your healing
  • enjoy greater feelings of well-being, even if you are still unwell and not yet healed.
  • also experience faster recovery from flares and setbacks

Get serious about your emotional health, and take control of the way you think. Work through your negative emotions and above all else have fun and feel good as much as possible. Now is the time to be with the people you love and do the things you love while you treat your mind and body with kindness. And from that, you will get well.

Kay Walker is the co-owner of, and the creator of

soursop cancer research

Soursop and cancer research

A summary of all the cancer research on soursop and its tumor-fighting properties

Soursop, also known as guanabana, graviola, cherimoya, custard apple, and Brazilian paw paw, is a little-known fruit that grows in the rainforests of Africa, Southeast Asia, the Caribbean and South America. It comes from an evergreen tree (Annona muricata) where all parts have medicinal uses – the roots, bark, leaves, and fruit. 

The soursop cancer fighting  topic has recently made headlines. Medical research shows that compounds in the superfood can shrink and inhibit tumors. Here is all the most up-to-date information about this life-changing fruit.

Disclaimer: We present this information to help you make informed decisions. But at no time do we advocate that you change or discontinue treatment as prescribed by your doctor based on information in this article. We have provided sources to information gathered here and we recommend you use them to make up your own mind.

Active ingredients in soursop

The soursop is a large, heart-shaped edible fruit that grows in clusters on the Annona muricata. It is bright green in color, with small spikes on its skin. The active ingredient in the soursop fruit is thought to be annonaceous acetogenins, a phytochemical or plant compound. People can eat the sweet white pulp of the fruit plain or make it into smoothies, fruit drinks, sherbets, candies, shakes, syrups, and beverages.

The fruit has a sweet, citrusy flavor somewhere between a strawberry and a pineapple. People in countries where the Annona muricata grows naturally have used the soursop fruit for years for medicinal purposes.

Annona muricata and cancer treatmentAccording to the National Cancer Institute’s drug dictionary, annonaceous acetogenins is a family of polyketides that naturally occur in the plant family Annonaceae.

NCI states that the phytochemical isolated from various species of the plant family have potential antineoplastic and antimicrobial activity – meaning that they can bind to and block the activity of an enzyme that’s overexpressed in cancer cells’ plasma membranes (ubiquinone-linked NADH oxidase). In layman’s terms, annonaceous acetogenins can inhibit cancer cell growth and induce tumor cell death.

Research on soursop’s anticancer effects

According to a 2015 journal article in Contemporary Clinical Dentistry, “Cancer: Forbidden Cures?” researchers are primarily interested in the soursop because of its “strong anticancer effects.” Author S. G. Damle remarks on the interest of the fruit’s anti-tumor effects, and says the plant is a “proven cancer remedy for cancers of all types.” The article says that patients can use soursop as a broad-spectrum antimicrobial agent for infections, as well as for lowering blood pressure and treating depression and stress.

In “Graviola: A Systematic Review on Its Anticancer Properties” by European University Cyprus School of Medicine authors Patrikios Ioannis, Stephanou Anastasis, and Yiallouris Andreas, the authors discuss the connection between phytochemicals and easing various diseases, including cancer. The article states that the Graviola, along with its roots, leaves, and seeds has beneficial properties in alternative medicine. It cites many sources that indicate annonaceous acetogenins as the main active ingredients in soursop, and other published data that point to soursop’s ability to inhibit a variety of cancer cells, including:

Compounds in the fruit, leaves, stem, or bark of the soursop have anticancer characteristics that promote programmed cell death on cancer cells without harming healthy, normal host cells. This marks a great departure from traditional cancer treatments, which do not differentiate between which cells live or die. Studies show that annonaceous acetogenins found only in the Annonaceae family kill the malignant cells of 12 different types of cancer.

How does soursop fight cancer?

Based on medical research, soursop works to fight and inhibit malignant cancer cells in a variety of ways. When applied to breast cancer cells in a medical research study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology, researchers found that the phytochemicals in the soursop promoted programmed cell death, or “apoptosis,” in pathways relating to the cancer cells. It decreased breast tumor growth in nude mice lab tests, while also inhibiting the expressions of two types of breast cancer cells – ER-cyclin D1 and Bcl-2. Extracts of the fruit inhibit the growth of overexpressing human cancer cells without interrupting non-tumorigenic breast cells.

Another study of the soursop fruit leaves from 2014 found that the leaves had “significant effects on cell survival potential” on colon cancer cells. The extract of the soursop leaves induced programmed cell death using reactive oxygen species while down-regulating anti-apoptotic proteins. This process released cytochrome c, which activated the trigger of programmed cancer cell death through DNA fragmentation. The soursop inhibited cancer cells while leaving healthy cells intact and unaffected.

In BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, seven researchers conducted a medical study to determine the cancer-fighting effects of soursop extracts on human promyelocytic leukemia cells, or HL-60 cells. The results of the study concluded that all extracts tested did in fact inhibit the rapid reproduction of HL-60 cells in a “concentration dependent manner.”

How soursop kills leukemia cancer cells

The study discovered that the fruit inhibited the growth of leukemia cancer cells by disrupting matrix metalloproteinase (MMP), generating reactive oxygen species (ROS), and arresting the G0/G1 cell cycle. Other ways the soursop interrupts different types of cancer cells include inhibiting tumor mobility and cellular metabolism, down regulating the expression of cancer-related factors, and stopping tumors by inhibiting growth of cancerous cells.

What could soursop mean for the future of cancer medicine?

Dozens of medical research studies on soursop-derived compounds since at least the early 1970s have found evidence of the soursop’s ability to stop and fight cancer cells, thanks to the active ingredient annonaceous acetogenins. Studies on mice and humans have come to the same conclusion again and again – annonaceous acetogenins can and will have inhibited cancer cell growth and lead to programmed cancer cell death. Despite the large number of laboratory studies with cancer-fighting results, there are still doubts about the soursop’s capabilities in the industry.

Lack of research on how soursop extracts work on humans

Doubts stem from lack of research into exactly how the soursop’s extracts work on humans. As scientists develop their understanding of how annonaceous acetogenins work to fight cancer, the world can expect more information and possible acceptance of the soursop as a cancer-stopping superfood. If studies on the soursop continue in the same vein as they have for almost 50 years, there is high hope that the fruit of the evergreen tree will become an accepted potential cure for cancer – one that serves as an alternative or complement to existing cancer treatments.

Other medical uses for soursop

Known positive effects of the soursop exist without relation to cancer treatment. People have used the soursop to treat hypertension, arthritis, stomach problems, fevers, and infections (parasitic and bacterial). Soursop is known to ease endocrine system issues and to support healthy activity of the ovaries, prostate glands, thyroid, pancreas, kidneys, gall bladder, liver, and intestines. It also acts as an effective sedative. Anti-cancer properties are the latest believed benefits of the soursop, despite the topic currently being up for debate.

Dissenting opinions about soursop and its anticancer potency

As much as the research cited in this article is based on legitimate science and research, there are some organizations that disagree with the premise that soursop has anticancer properties. There are as follows:

  • “There is no evidence to show that graviola (soursop) works as a cure for cancer.” – Cancer Research UK
  • “…as yet, there have been no large scale tests on humans and there is no credible evidence to support claims that graviola is an effective cure or treatment for cancer” –
  • “The fruit from the graviola tree is a miraculous natural cancer cell killer. UNDETERMINED.”

The bottom line:  Eat your soursop or drink your soursop tea

Existing knowledge based on in-depth medical and scientific research studies supports the fact that extracts of the soursop can in fact inhibit the growth of cancer cells, potentially preventing, fighting, and even curing cancer. More research is necessary to identify the exact mechanisms of how soursop extracts work, as well as clinical trials to test and verify its potential as an anti-cancer agent. However, as of today, enough studies have shown anti-cancer properties in soursop to encourage thousands of people around the world to start introducing this fruit into their diets.

As excitement over the potential cancer-fighting properties of the soursop grows, the fruit and its extracts are becoming more easily available on the market. It is now easy to order farm-grown soursop fruit online and purchase related products such as organic soursop leaves for tea. People living in tropical climates with easy access to soursop fruit have consumed the fruit and its byproducts for centuries, accepting it as a superfruit that has beneficial properties for almost the entire body. Soursop is rich in vitamins and nutrients, as well as several antioxidants – not to mention the potential anti-cancer elements.

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of the active ingredient in soursop fruits may be a real-life cure for cancer. The acetogenins found in the soursop are completely unique to this plant and widely studied as a treatment for multiple types of cancer. Perhaps the most exciting part about the discovery of soursop’s anti-cancer properties is that it leaves healthy cells untouched. As researchers learn more about how annonaceous acetogenins kill cancer cells, expect to hear more about this amazing “miracle” superfood. Soursop may be the key to curing cancer once and for all.

Sources for this article:

Cancer patient

Can soursop cure cancer?

Can soursop cure cancer like this cancer cell

Cancer cell close-up view

The debate about soursop as a cancer cure

Soursop has a long history of being used to fight cancer naturally. People who live in tropical climates and have readily accessible soursop fruit (guanabana) that’s grown locally. The tree is often found in people’s backyards.

The fruit tree’s leaves has long been used to make soursop tea. The raw fruit is also eaten daily in an effort to treat their cancer to beat the disease.

Caribbean Islanders similarly relate to soursop the way people from the Middle East relate to Black Seed Oil, which is said to “cure everything except death”.

If you ask any Caribbean islander, most know someone who has consumed soursop fruit, leaves or related graviola byproducts to cure cancer. Western medicine does not wholly support these claims, saying there is no absolute evidence that graviola or soursop works as a cure for cancer.

The claims are anecdotal, but there is some science that is showing promise to prove that soursop is a definitive cancer killer.

The science of soursop’s cancer fighting reputation

Claims that soursop – or graviola as some call it, or guanabana in Spanish – is an all natural cancer fighter has some basis in science and lab research.

The anti-cancer claims associated with soursop come from more than 20 laboratory studies. They have shown soursop extracts to be effective against killing a range of cancer cell lines, including:

  • breast cancer
  • lung cancer
  • colon cancer
  • prostate cancer
  • liver cancer
  • pancreatic cancer
  • skin cancer.
  • And many more types of cancer.

The studies show that soursop may have the ability to kill malignant cells in 12 different types of cancer. The active ingredient is thought to be a type of plant compound (phytochemical) called annonaceous acetogenins.

(Note that guanabana, soursop and graviola are all common words for the scientific name of the plant Annona muricata).

Although test-tube and animal research demonstrates that graviola may be an anti-cancer agent, there have been no clinical trials or studies in humans, and therefore the use of graviola for cancer treatment remains controversial and subject to much debate.

Researchers have examined graviola leaves, bark, seeds and fruit. What scientists do know is that soursop contains many active compounds and chemicals which have healing properties.

The curative magic of phytochemicals

At the heart of the cancer research is an examination of a compound group known as phytochemicals.

The phytochemical of interest to researchers is called asannonaceous acetogenins. Studies show that annonaceous acetogenins has potent anti-tumor properties. It exhibits selective toxic properties against tumor cells. Further clinical studies also demonstrated the powerful anti-cancerous, anti-tumorous, and antiviral properties of annonaceous acetogenins.

Recent studies have found that natural compounds of graviola, acetogenins have superb properties to inhibit the enzyme processes that are specifically present in membrane of cancerous cells. Through this mechanism of action they are toxic for cancerous cells and don’t create toxicity in healthy cells.

However, a word of caution,  no studies have yet been conducted with humans to show that soursop consumption is indeed an effective cancer inhibitor. That said, animal studies have shown extracts from the leaves can have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antidiabetic, antiulcer and antiviral effects.

Proof of soursop’s curative powers could come from clinical trials where cancer patients are treated with the fruit compounds. No have been conducted to date.

This may also interest people seeking wealth:

can Soursop kill these cancer cells

Soursop’s tumor killing abilities

Purdue University published a promising news article in 1997, that showed that Annonaceous acetogenins are effective in destroying tumor cells. And, it has the ability fight cells that have shown resistance to other anti-cancer agents.

The National Cancer Institute has also explored the toxic effects of Graviola against cancerous cells in a plant screening program in 1976. They discovered that the graviola stem and leaves demonstrated active toxic effects against cancer cells.

In various vitro clinical trials, specific phytochemical acetogenins have been found in Graviola.  They have selective toxic effects against various cancerous cells like:
  • lung carcinoma cell lines,
  • prostate adenocarcinoma
  • breast tumor lines
  • liver cancer cell lines
  • pancreatic carcinoma cell lines
  • colon adenocarcinoma cell lines
  • and multidrug resistant breast adenocarcinoma.
Other clinical findings by Taiwanese scientists show that at very low dosages, annonaceous acetogenins from graviola exhibited highly toxic effects particularly to ovarian, breast, cervical, bladder and skin cancer cell lines.

In laboratory studies, graviola extracts can also kill some types of liver and breast cancer cells that are resistant to particular chemotherapy drugs.

What’s the bottom line? Can soursop cure cancer?

It appears that consuming soursop may help cancer patients fight their disease, even if scientists have yet to definitively prove it.

How to fight cancer with soursop

Where to buy graviola or soursop products

Learn more about where to buy soursop and graviola products. Here is a good list, to get you started. Plus read on.

Soursop leaves

Wild, hand-picked and naturally organic soursop leaves are available here. They are sun-dried, organic and ready for tea making.

Order guanabana leaves now 

Fresh soursop fruit

Order fresh soursop fruit from our family farmers in Grenada (in the Caribbean), delivered to you in the US by air 2 days after picking:

Vacuum sealed soursop pulp in a jar

Available on Amazon. It has a shelf life of a year in its sealed glass container. See our Gfruit review.

Additional soursop and cancer resources:

soursop tea | graviola tea

Soursop tea questions and answers

What is soursop tea?

Soursop tea is herbal, caffeine-free tea made from the dried leaves of the graviola tree. Learn how to make soursop tea below.
Soursop tea

Is soursop tea the same as graviola tea and guanabana tea?

Soursop, graviola and guanabana are three words that mean the same thing. (See our soursop synonyms article.) The scientific name for the plant is Annona muricata. So soursop tea, graviola tea and guanabana tea is the same thing. It is dried leaves from the Annona muricata steeped in hot water for consumption for health and enjoyment.
soursop guanabana graviola

Where can I buy whole graviola leaves to make soursop tea?

You can buy whole graviola leaves to make tea online. We will soon offer packages of wild-grown, hand-picked, sun-dried soursop leaves harvested from the Caribbean. For now, you can get them

How much soursop tea should I drink on a daily basis for healing purposes?

There is no textbook answer to the questions of how much? or how often?. Because this is a frequently asked question, here's a longer answer. Soursop consumption is not a medically recognized treatment for an medical condition. Doctors do not learn about it in medical school. The FDA does not regulate it as a pharmaceutical in the US. So there is no AMA sanctioned dosage or frequency. That said, this information is provided to help you make your own decision about how much to drink. Here's a recommendation: Start with one cup per day. If it feels good, has no adverse reaction stick with it. If you eant to increase your consumption for additional healing benefits, add a second cup later in the day. Try this for seven days, and see how you feel. If you want to be more aggressive to address a health condition, start with three cups a day at breakfast lunch and dinner. Monitor how you feel and cut back if you suffer any weird or unwanted side effects or have any concerns. When it comes to treating any condition with herbal remedies, you might want to consult a naturopathic doctor.
natural medicine

Can soursop tea be used to fight cancer?

There is anecdotal evidence that soursop can be used to fight cancer. Some claim they have cured their cancer by eating the fruit and drinking soursop tea. Medical science is less certain that it is verifiably curative. However scientists have discovered are phytochemicals found in soursop that have been shown to destroy cancerous cells, even cells that have been resistant to other anticancer therapies. Drinking several strong cups of the tea each may be a good supplementary cancer fighting technique. As always, consult your doctor of oncologist before adjusting your medical treatment.
Cancer patient

How do I make soursop tea with whole graviola leaves?

To brew soursop tea with whole dried soursop leaves, start with two to three graviola leaves to produce one to two cups of tea. Place the leaves in a cup or small teapot. Boil two cups (500 ml) of fresh water. (Use filtered water for better taste.) Add water to leaves and let steep for 10 minutes. Remove the leaves before drinking. This brew time allows you to extract flavor from the leaves for a delicious and fortifing cup of soursop tea.
graviola leaves als known as soursop leaves

How do I brew graviola tea to treat an illness for more of an impact on m health?

If you are drinking the tea to address a health issue and want maximum impact from the healing power of the graviola leaves, then here are some brewing guidelines:
  • TECHNIQUE #1 - Add one to three leaves, depending on their size to for 1 to 2 cups (250 to 500 ml) of filtered water in a stove top pan. You can crush the leaves and place in a tea infuser if you prefer. Cover and simmer for 20 to 30 minutes.
  • TECHNIQUE #2 - Add whole graviola leaves to a stove top pot with one quart (1 L) of cold water. Bring the water to a boil and and let boil uncovered until the water has been reduced by half.
Brewing notes:
  • Extra steeping time extracts more of the benefits of the graviola leaf.
  • Drink the tea at room temperature or you can reheat it.
soursop tea infuser
Soursop fruit is a superfruit for health

Soursop fruit is a superfruit for amazing health

.Please note: This article refers to soursop graviola and guanabana. These three words refer to the same tree and fruit. A soursop fruit is the same thing as graviola fruit and guanabana fruit. Same goes for references to the soursop tree.

If you have visited Mexico, the islands of the Caribbean, or the northern countries of South America, then you have almost certainly seen a soursop tree and soursop fruit growing on it as a large spiny green oval.

The soursop tree is an evergreen tree known to scientists as Annona muricata. The taste of the soursop fruit is a delicious combination of strawberry and pineapple, with sweet and citrus flavors (see more on the fruit’s taste).

This intriguing flavor hays resulted in making soursop a favorite among locals, and famous among those seeking its curative powers.

It is also grown in Africa, and can also be found in Southeast Asia. ouy can even find it in central or south Florida. However, it is most popularly grown for consumption as a garden fruit, and in some places is as common as the apple or maple tree is in the north.

The soursop fruit – also called graviola fruit or guanabana fruit (and various other names), is only one type of Annona. Other types include the jackfruit.

The soursop fruit’s soft pulp and fiber can be used for beverages, desserts, smoothies, and candy, as well as a many medical applications, which we will discuss below…

Amazing health benefits of soursop fruit

While the flavor of soursop fruit makes it a much sought-after food, the uses for it are numerous:

  • The fruit has rich vitamin and nutrient content, including vitamin C, vitamin B, and several antioxidants.
  • Soursop juice can be used topically on skin.
  • Pulverized seeds and graviola leaves can also be used as natural remedies. It can be turned into a healthy tea.

Graviola can control parasites

The anti-parasitic nature of soursop has made it a popular treatment in rural areas of Latin America and South America, especially in areas that parasites flourish. A tea brewed from graviola leaves cut from the tree, can be used to remedy gastrointestinal upset.

Soursop fruit’s anti-inflammatory properties

Joint pain and inflammation caused by gout or arthritis can be remedied by rubbing soursop on the afflicted area. The anti-inflammatory compounds found in soursop can speed healing. They can also sooth pain and improve flexibility. Soursop leaves can be used to treat headaches, insomnia, cystitis, liver problems, diabetes, hypertension and as an anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic and to treat dysentery. The boiling the leaves (to create a tea or salve) can be used to fight parasite, rheumatic and antineuralgic effects when used internally, while the cooked leaves, applied topically, fight rheumatism and abscesses

Relief of breathing issues

If you are struggling with a cough, cold, or other forms of the respiratory ailment, then soursop’s anti-inflammatory properties can help to clear out your airways, relieve congestion, and soothe irritation. Soursop helps loosen or reduce excess phlegm and mucus. Reducing inflammation in the nose and lungs, can also help relieve congestion and speed up healing.

Soursop and insomnia

Soursop tea has been used as a stress relieving strategy for centuries. Anti-inflammatory and soothing properties of soursop make it effective when treating stress and anxiety. Stress hormones can interrupt normal metabolic cycles, and impact sleep patterns. If you suffer from insomnia or restless sleep, then consider drinking soursop tea to help remedy the problem.

Skin health and soursop seeds

The seeds of the soursop fruit can be pulverized into a powder, and made into an astringent. (An astringent is a chemical compound that can shrink or constrict body tissues.) This can help reduce lines and wrinkles in the skin. Soursop seeds used this way can help neutralize the appearance of age spots and skin blemishes. Apply the soursop seed paste to the affected areas of skin to help it become healthier. This also helps ward off bacterial and microbial infections.

Soursop and cancer

Soursop and its cancer-fighting properties is well known in areas where it is grown. Its is especially known for its antioxidant activity, which comes from acetogenins, quinolones and alkaloids. These compounds have been linked to treat or prevent cancer. They can also be used to reduce the size of tumors.

Extensive research has been conducted on the unique compounds in soursop called acetogenins, which are unique to the Annonaceae plant family. They have been widely studied as an alternative cancer treatment. They can apparently cut off blood flow to foreign or non-normal cellular growths, and have already been positively associated with treating breast, pancreatic, prostate, and lung cancers.

However, doctors say use and consumption of soursop is not a replacement for cancer treatment. Many soursop devotees swear by its apparent anti-cancer properties. You should seek medical advice in using natural remedies in conjunction with medical intervention.

Boost immunity with soursop fruit

Soursop can help strengthen your immune system. Add soursop fruit via hot or cold beverages, or in desserts. It will help improve overall health. The fruit stimulates production of white blood cells. Its antioxidant content also helps to reduce free radicals and conditions that cause a variety of chronic diseases.

Soursop can improve gut health

Being rich in vitamin C, soursop was used for many years as a natural remedy for scurvy and dysentery. The juice of the soursop fruit can also be a very effective diuretic, to clean the gut and remove toxins and salts from the body. The anti-inflammatory components, including the alkaloids and quinolones, can reduce parasites in the gut. It can help alleviate pain or irritation in the stomach or colon.

Soursop as a painkiller

Soursop can be applied  topically applied to wounds and injuries. It can help with external pain relief. It also works internally to relieve pain and to help speed healing. The sedative and anti-inflammatory  elements of this amazing tropical fruit make graviola a great remedy for pain internally and externally.

Word of caution about soursop

While these traditional applications of soursop fruit, leaves and seeds can be powerful and effective, the overuse can have some negative impacts as a result of toxicity. Overuse can result in nerve ailments.

If you start to use soursop to help treat an ailment, particularly if you use it to fight cancer, it is important to consult with your primary health practitioner. Speak to your doctor, oncologist, naturopath and other health professionals. They can help you to used properly and in combination with other treatments to help you get well.