Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Soursop Fruit and Leaves

Inflammation is the body’s natural response to removing harmful cells and irritants from the body. If there is something harmful in the body, the immune system responds with inflammation, attacking that portion of the body and working to heal it. Many people believe inflammation is a negative process within the body, but it works to fight infection and promote healing. When inflammation is chronic and widespread, it can wreak havoc on all the systems of your body.

Most people with chronic inflammation don’t realize they have a problem. Symptoms of chronic inflammation include:

  • Fatigue
  • Mouth sores
  • Chest pain
  • Fever
  • Rash
  • Joint pain

If you have chronic inflammation, you may only have one or two of these symptoms. It’s important to recognize when symptoms are present, as chronic inflammation can result in tissue thickening, scarring, and possible death of tissue.

Causes of Chronic Inflammation

A variety of issues can cause chronic inflammation. Autoimmune diseases, asthma, hepatitis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and sinusitis are all common causes of inflammation. Diet, especially a western-style diet, also causes some inflammation. Common foods that lead to inflammation include sugars, fats, refined carbohydrates, monosodium glutamate, and foods that contain gluten.

If you think that you may have issues with chronic inflammation, you can consider using an elimination diet to determine what foods are causing issues for you. Lactose intolerance, gluten sensitivities, and food allergies can cause excess inflammation in the body.

Check with your dietitian, naturopath or doctor. Most recommend elimination diets contain fruits, vegetables, and brown rice. Adhere to this diet for a few weeks, and then begin to reintroduce other foods to see what causes issues. During this time, it’s also a good idea to introduce a regimen of soursop fruit and tea consumption.

Soursop as a Natural Anti-Inflammatory

Soursop (also known as the graviola tree, or guanabana in Spanish) has anti-inflammatory properties. South Americans have been using the plant for centuries to treat a variety of disorders. They treat every ailment from dysentery to eczema with the use of the graviola.

  • Anti-inflammatory properties abound. In one study of soursop treatment in laboratory rats, it was found that the fruit decreased swelling and inflammation throughout the animal’s body. Another study showed similar results, which suggests a reduction in swelling of up to 37%. Yet another animal study showed that the fruit reduced the inflammatory markers that are present in patients with arthritis. The studies for using the fruit for medicinal purposes are remarkably promising.
  • It’s high in antioxidants. Antioxidants are substances that help prevent cell damage that free radicals cause. Many research studies show antioxidants reduce chronic inflammation throughout the body. In test-tube studies, soursop extract has been found to protect against damage from free radicals. While the studies are continuing in humans, all signs currently point to the efficacy of soursop antioxidants in preventing inflammation.
  • Bacteria-fighting qualities. One cause of inflammation is bacteria present in the body. Inflammation is a positive response to help the body heal, but at times the inflammation can be long term. This is when the condition is chronic, which can have detrimental effects on the body. One study revealed that irrigating a root canal with graviola is as effective as the use of current anti-bacterial washes. Soursop fruit has been shown to fight common bacteria, which will in turn speed the healing process and result in less inflammation.
  • Anti-cancer activity. Chronic inflammation in certain areas of the body can lead to cancer, which is why it’s worth noting that soursop fruit and plant parts have been shown to have anti-cancer properties. In many studies, graviola extract was found to be toxic to some breast cancer and pancreatic cancer cells. Treatment options are promising, but extensive, long-term studies need to be performed to determine the effectiveness of graviola as a cancer treatment.
  • Boosts immunity. Soursop is rich in vitamin C, which encourages the production of white blood cells that fight infection throughout the body. This, combined with the high rate of antioxidants in the fruit, can help prevent chronic inflammation. With a strong immune system, bodies are more capable of efficiently squelching bacteria and inflammation before they become a problem.
  • Pain relief. Suffering from chronic inflammation can be painful. Outside inflammation in the forms of wounds and injuries can be soothed with the use of topical graviola products. Used for centuries as a wound ointment, native South Americans were well ahead of their time. For internal inflammation, the soursop plant and graviola leaves can reduce the associated pain and swelling. Often the inflammation itself is painful, but the swelling also causes secondary pain. Consuming the fruit can help lessen this pain.

Where Can I Find Soursop Fruit and the Graviola Plant in the United States?

Graviola grows primarily in South America, the Caribbean and in tropical Asia. The fruit is not found in abundance around the United States. As the plant’s healing properties become more well known, consumers can expect to see more of the fruit. However you can order it from for shipping to all US addresses

Luckily, our company here in Florida can ship the fruit anywhere in the United States. We receive our inventory from farmers in the Caribbean, who ship the produce immediately upon harvest. Our company can then send the fruit to consumers with two-day delivery to ensure freshness. We offer a variety of soursop and graviola products, including:

  • Graviola leaves and teas
  • Soursop fresh fruit
  • Soursop frozen puree
  • Soursop syrup
  • Soursop juice
  • Graviola supplements
  • Seeds to grow your own plants

We have products available to suit every preference. The product is guaranteed to be ripe and of the highest quality when it arrives. Many of our products can be consumed as is, but if you are interested in finding recipes for use with our products, visit our recipe section. If you are curious about the fruit, we would recommend beginning with an order of the fresh fruit, which many people enjoy on its own. We also recommend soursop leaves and tea products for the first-time buyer. All our teas are caffeine free to help you to relax, relieve anxiety, and begin your anti-inflammatory lifestyle.



Soursop for Heart Disease and Circulatory Issues

Soursop Fruit and Leaves as an Aid in Heart Health

Researchers studying soursop find that it has properties that can help treat different ailments throughout the body. The fruit is incredibly nutrient-rich, and the leaves are full of beneficial vitamins and antioxidants. Also known as a graviola or guanabana, the fruit is native to tropical areas in the Caribbean, Mexico, and Central and South America. Ongoing research suggests that the fruit has amazing health benefits, including protection against heart disease and circulatory issues.

Soursop is an oval-shaped fruit covered in soft, pliable spikes. People eat the fruit pulp raw. They often use the leaves and bark of the plant to make soursop tea and topical ointments. Soursop is also bottled and sold as a health drink. In Mexico, people commonly use the fruit as an ingredient in drinks. Research in mice has suggests that the graviola plant can help attack cancer cells, reduce inflammation, treat fevers, cure dysentery, and aid in the treatment of eczema and other skin ailments.

Soursop for Hypertension

New studies are revealing that soursop fruit can be used to treat high blood pressure, also known as hypertension. Hypertension is a long-lasting medical condition in which blood pressure throughout the circulatory system remains unsafely high. The consistently high blood pressure rates will eventually affect the heart and the arteries, resulting in coronary artery disease, heart failure, stroke, or cardiac arrest.

The leaves of the soursop fruit have been shown to:

  • boost metabolism,
  • stimulate blood circulation,
  • lower blood pressure.

Tribal people of South America have been using the fruit, leaves, and bark of the tree for centuries, so many people are unsurprised by the results of the studies. The best way to reap the heart-healthy benefits of the graviola plant is by creating a tea from its leaves (get a free soursop tea guide here).

How Soursop Works To Improve Heart Health:


  • Soursop reduces blood pressure. The leaves of the soursop fruit work in multiple ways to reduce blood pressure. They keep blood pressure at a healthy level by reducing inflammation throughout the body. The leaves’ anti-inflammatory properties keep the heart and arteries in a healthy condition, which can help prevent heart attacks.
  • The leaves dilate blood vessels. Additionally, soursop leaf expands the blood vessels in the body. Soursop tea dilates blood vessels, ensuring that the blood flows properly through the body. This process will decrease the likelihood of heart attack and stroke.
  • Soursop lowers cholesterol. Soursop leaves also reduce the levels of cholesterol in the body. The plant’s bark and leaves contain high levels of antioxidants, which help prevent the attachment of LDL cholesterol to the artery walls. When something prevents LDL cholesterol from building up in the arteries, plaque levels also decrease, allowing for the free flow of blood throughout the body. The plant’s anti-inflammatory properties also help control cholesterol levels more easily. The lowering of cholesterol directly reduces the risk of heart attack or stroke.
  • Helps with sleep deprivation. Although not one of the leading causes of hypertension, insomnia and sleep deprivation can lead to worsening blood pressure rates. Drinking soursop leaf tea before bedtime can improve sleep quality. The use of this tea has been promoted as a relaxation therapy, which can also ease anxiety and nervousness. Many consumers report an immediate relaxing sensation after consuming this tea.


Natural Medicine Uses of Soursop

Treating high blood pressure naturally is a viable and often a more desirable option for those who are currently on medication to treat the condition. (Always consult with your doctor, naturopath or primary healthcare provide before changing any treatment plan.) Blood pressure medication is notorious for having unpleasant side effects. Sometimes the side effects are so severe that patients end treatment and live with their high blood pressure, which is extremely dangerous. Side effects that have caused individuals to top their medication include:

  • Stomach ailments, such as diarrhea or constipation
  • Dizziness
  • Sexual dysfunction
  • Headaches
  • Lethargy

It’s easy to understand why many people do not want to live with these unpleasant side effects. Soursop fruit and soursop leaf tea is not known to produce unpleasant side effects. It is still effective in lowering blood pressure and cholesterol. Natural alternatives to pharmaceuticals can result in fewer side effects and can be easier for the body to absorb.

How to Use the Graviola Plant For Natural Medicine

There are a variety of options for consuming soursop fruit. Some recipes call for blending the fruit into a smoothie, adding it to tropical-like drinks, or steeping leaves for tea. Here is one of our favorite summer recipes that uses the leaves for tea:

Soursop Iced Tea

  • 5-7 soursop leaves
  • 1 orange pekoe tea bag
  • 3 green tea bags
  • 3 flavored tea bags
  • Water
  • Stevia or agave syrup

Boil soursop leaves in 1 to 2 quarts water for 10 to 20 minutes. Add 1 orange pekoe, 3 green, and 3 flavored tea bags. Let the mixture steep until the drink achieves desired strength. Cool the mixture, adding enough water to make a gallon. Add ½ teaspoon stevia extract or agave syrup for sweetness. If you like, you can also add ¼ teaspoon powdered Vitamin C, for an extra healthy boost.

Where to Find Soursop in the United States

Soursop is very common in Asia, the Caribbean and South America. It can be more difficult to find in the United States and Canada. The fruit’s healing properties have not yet reached mass awareness in the U.S and Canada, so they have not been not readily available. Fortunately, our can provide you with the soursop supplies you need to benefit from this heart-healthy plant. We are a supplier of soursop and will ship the fruit directly to your home with one to two two-day shipping on fruit and 3-6 day shipping (free) on soursop leaves.

We source our graviola in the Caribbean, making it close enough for us to acquire and ship the fresh fruit in a timely manner. That means that you, as the consumer, will always receive fresh soursop for your use. Our products include:

  • Fresh soursop
  • Frozen soursop puree
  • Soursop leaves and teas
  • Soursop seeds
  • And soursop tea starter kit

We have product options to fit every preference. Many of our customers enjoy summer smoothies, derived from our fresh fruit or frozen puree. In the winter, our teas and leaves are especially popular. If you are suffering from high blood pressure, high cholesterol, or have been diagnosed with heart disease, try our products to see a difference in your body.



soursop treats herpes

Soursop for Herpes

Have you heard of using soursop (graviola or guanabana) to treat herpes? While soursop is a well known natural treatment for cancer, insomnia, and  digestive issues, not very many people know that it can also be used to treat the herpes virus.

Herpes is an infection caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV). The virus affects external genitalia, around the anus, and mucosal surfaces. It can also affect skin in various parts of the human body.

It causes blisters, ulcers, pain during urination, cold sores and vaginal discharge. There is no cure for herpes, however it can be treated with both medications and home remedies.

There are two types of herpes simplex viri:

  • Herpes type 1 is known as or oral herpes. The short form is HSV-1
  • Herpes type 2 is known as genital herpes. The short form HSV-2

The science behind graviola as a treatment for herpes

The active ingredient in soursop is thought to be a type of plant compound (phytochemical) called annonaceous acetogenins, which has been found to be effective against the herpes virus in laboratory experiments. However clinical research involving humans is needed to prove it definitively.

It is estimated that more than 16% of the population and more is infected with Herpes Virus Simplex 2 and about 67% have the oral version that causes facial cold sores.

To treat herpes, sufferers can consume soursop leaves as tea or eat the soursop fruit.

Here’s how to use soursop leaves as a herpes remedy:

  1. Buy some air dried organic soursop leaves (also called graviola leaves) from
  2. Crush 5 large dried soursop leaves
  3. Boil 5 cups of water
  4. Drop leaves into water
  5. Reduce to until only 3 cups of water are left.
  6. Drink ¾ cup of this soursop leaf  once in a day for back pain relief.

Note: Some people drink 1 cup (250 ml) of the soursop tea for back pain that they consume 3 times per day before each meal, because it hits the bloodstream faster.

Caution: Avoid soursop consumption by small children under the age of 2, and pregnant and nursing mothers. Over use of soursop can lead to soursop toxicity. Always consult your naturopath or health care provider for professional medical guidance.

soursop for back pain

Soursop for back pain

Make tea from soursop leaves for back pain:

Suffering back pain can be debilitating. And, it is a common malady these days for many people. You can use soursop leaves for back pain by using the leaves for soursop tea. It can be a good remedy to treat back pain, without the side effects that you risk from pharmaceutical medications used for pain management.

Note that you might see the leaves advertised as guanabana leaves, soursop leaves or graviola leaves. These are three different words for the same tree (and fruit).

The active ingredient is highly concentrated in the leaves, twigs and bark, so best to use these and not the soursop fruit.

Here’s how to use soursop leaves as a back pain remedy:

  1. Buy some air dried organic soursop leaves (also called graviola leaves) from
  2. Crush 5 large dried soursop leaves
  3. Boil 5 cups of water
  4. Drop leaves into water
  5. Reduce to until only 3 cups of water are left.
  6. Drink ¾ cup of this soursop leaf  once in a day for back pain relief.

Note: Some people drink 1 cup (250 ml) of the soursop tea for back pain that they consume 3 times per day before each meal, because it hits the bloodstream faster.

Caution: Avoid soursop consumption by small children under the age of 2, and pregnant and nursing mothers. Over use of soursop can lead to soursop toxicity. Always consult your naturopath or health care provider for professional medical guidance.

soursop ice tea recipe

Soursop Ice Tea

soursop ice tea recipe

Soursop Ice Tea Recipe

  1. Boil about 5-7 graviola (soursop) leaves in 1-2 quarts water for about 10-20 minutes (order them here)
  2. Add 1 regular orange pekoe tea bag
  3. Add 3 green tea bags
  4. Add 3 flavored tea bags – like raspberry tea – and let steep.
  5. After cooling add enough water to make 1 gallon.
  6. Add 1/2 teaspoon of pure stevia extract or agave syrup for sweetness and to taste. A good spoonful or two of honey for sweetness can also be used.
  7. Then add 1/4th teaspoon of powder vitamin C.

Keep the iced tea in the fridge and add ice to your glass. Garnish with a citrus wedge.

See more soursop recipes here.